
At the  Exchange Store, we take pride in ensuring that all items sold on our platform are 100% authentic. Our thorough authentication process begins once the item has been purchased by a buyer, and the seller has shipped it to our head office.

Our in-house authentication specialists meticulously inspect and verify the authenticity of all clothing and shoes, as well as handbags under $1,000. For handbags over $1,000, we work with My Haute NZ, a trusted authentication partner. My Haute provides an authenticity certificate, complete with images of the purchase, in an email thread for the buyer's peace of mind.

Once an item has passed our quality control and authentication checks, we carefully pack and ship it out to the buyer. Each purchase also includes an authenticity card from the Exchange Store, signed by a member of our staff, to further assure the buyer of their purchase's authenticity.

You can rest easy knowing that when you shop at the Exchange Store, you're getting nothing but the real deal.